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Traversing the In-between is a mixed media exhibition that seeks to visually describe the threshold between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Drawing from the philosophical concept of apperception, Juna Wesley explores the liminal in-between space where thoughts, dreams, and memories live. The artist attempts to depict this transcendental place by investigating metaphysical fields and dreamscapes through the mediums of relief printing, installation, and video. ​


Beginning with abundant lightness and ending with intense darkness, this body of work manifests within instances of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and digital realities. Born from an infrastructure of meshes and grids, Wesley’s pieces investigate the physicality of superimposition and their resulting optical effects based on repetition, vibration, movement, and illusion. ​By traversing Wesley’s dreamscapes, the viewer is invited to interface with shifting moments of clarity and chaos, challenging their active perception of reality and the boundaries that define it.


2021 / Solo Exhibition  /  PB27 Gallery / Porto, Portugal

Exhibition view

Exhibition view

Reflection, 2021, fiberglass grids (x4), black acrylic ink, 0,75 x 1,10m 

Reflection, detail 

Exhibition view

Reaching Apperception, 2021, relief print on washi paper, 5,41 x 1,80m 

(6 panels of 0,80 x 1,80m)

Reaching Apperception, detail

Evolution #1, #2, #3, 2021, relief prints on washi paper, 45 x 60cm

Evolution #1, relief prints on washi paper, 45 x 60cm

Evolution #2, 2021, relief prints on washi paper, 45 x 60cm

Evolution #3, 2021, relief prints on washi paper, 45 x 60cm

Sub-Convergence, 2021, video with audio, B/W, 30’23”, installation view

Sub-Convergence, 2021, video with audio, B/W, 30’23”, installation view

Sub-Convergence, 2021, recording

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